This unique islands’ offerings leave nothing to be desired. Never far from the mountains, nor far from the sea… from the rivers, the forest, civilization or… from getting lost. Follow the journey from the high reaches of New Zealand's Southern Alps to the cold water surf breaks that pound the intricate coastlines.
Mike Henitiuk ~ @mikeheni
Joe Schuster ~ @joe_schuster
Matt Margetts ~ @mattmargetts
Riley Leboe ~ @rileyleboe
New Zealand
Supported By:
EDGEtv - @edgetvnetwork
MEC - @mec
Tyrolia - @tyroliabindings
Norrona - @norrona
Toyota New Zealand - @toyota-nz
Temple Basin - @templebasinnz
Editing, Sound and Colour:
Leigh Powis
Jamie Tanner
Aerial Cinematography:
Jamie Tanner
Colby James West
Jay Henitiuk