
The New Mexico desert is a landscape of harsh extremes: brutally hot in the summer, frigid in the winter. It was the perfect testing ground for architect Mike Reynolds' "earthships"—houses of unconventional design material and utility that are completely self-sustained. They're built with used tires and empty glass bottles and produce their own electricity, water, and food. For Reynolds, sustainable houses are the key to making a home in a better future—and now, the rest of the world is catching on to Reynolds' genius eco-friendly designs.
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This story is a part of our Planet Earth series. From mammals to insects and birds to reptiles, we share this great big wor...

There’s nothing quite as quintessentially British as a cuppa tea. But how did the Chinese tradition make its way into the British consciousness? It’s all thanks to Catherine of Braganza, a Portuguese royal who married England’s King Charles II in 1662. When she arrived in England, she brought with her loose leaves and spices in a set of crates labeled “Transporte de Ervas Aromatics,” or T.E.A. Soon, everyone wanted to be just like the Queen and sales of tea began to skyrocket. The rest, as they say, is history.
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This story is a part of our Flavors series, where we do so much more than play with our food. Come with us as we dive into deliciously different and tas...

When you order Chinese delivery, do you ever stop to look at the takeout box? That white container adorned with red pagodas is one of the most iconic boxes around. But did you know that it's actually an American design? In fact, you probably won't even find these boxes in China.
This Great Big Story was inspired by Genesis.
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